Relief Management
is not a Job
Relief Management is a love affair
I can offer you
Relief Management of your camp or resort
Your Camp- Resort- or Hotelmanager needs to start the yearly holiday and you donĀ“t have a reliable and professional Relief Management option on hand ?
You have found your solution right here. After managing companies successfully more or less my whole life - I can 100% help you.
Service team workshop
Kitchen team workshop
Relief Management
is not a Job
Relief Management is like babysitting your own child
What do my Clients say
Andrea did a great Relief Management job at our shimba lodge. Her experience was strong and she got 100% of our camp spirit..

I have booked her kitchen workshop to get our kitchen team on a 5 star level. Her work was best in class. Our mara kitchen team moved to a new level.

Relief Management
is not a Job
Relief Management is a Passion
About me
Andrea Lange
Age: Over 18
Status: Married, 2 Children
Living in Diani Beach - Kenya
Resident Status: Holder of Class H Permit
Hobbies: Diving, Reading,